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Friday, June 29, 2012


     In the time leading up to the 2008 elections I saw through him. He always spoke in generals. He would not give details. He got elected on one liners. Anytime politics came up, I stated I was scared of him because we knew nothing about him nor would he tell us. I did not like that the alternative was McCain, but at least I really knew where he stood. I knew that I had less to fear. He got my vote. When Obama won the election, I said "well at least we should not have to worry much about his first term since he will want to be reelected. It will be the second term we really need to worry about." Boy, was I wrong. We have a president that is out of control. The scary thing is he has done all these things in his first term, facing re-election.

      Fast and Furious is an example. Not only is he responsible but now he blocks attempts to investigate. Democrats want you to believe it started under Bush. The program started under Bush but he stopped it due to problems. Obama restarted it. This program is Obama's not Bushes.

      If things stay the way they are today Obama stands to hold the record in raising taxes. At the same time he will have put us in dept even further (he holds the record already). He lied bribed and threatened to get the Obama Care shoved down our throats. He bypassed all proper channels and ignored the majority to get illegals legal. He fights and sues any state that tries to help him with boarder security.  He ignored the majority to force same sex marriage on us. And if you think the battle over the Catholics providing birth control is about women's rights, you are as stupid as he wants you to be. It is about religious freedom and separation of church and state.  Where will he push that one in a second term, not facing reelection?

     He has over and over again been caught in lies by democrat, republicans independents and every other political party existing today. It is not just the republicans recognizing the lies. Democrats especially have to love his lies about not starting new battles. Doing the exact same things they criticized Bush for.

     This is just a short summary or the things that have happened in less than 4yrs, add to it. I want you thinking "Mike should have said this" "He did not mention that". I want you thinking. I keep these short to keep you the reader from getting bored. But I also keep them short to get your brain going. Feel free to comment. I would love that. Agree or disagree it matters not to me. I will respond. Now while you begin to think on these things....DO SOMETHING! It appears at this time that it is Romney vs. Obama. We can not have Obama. I am scared of his second term and you should be too. Even if you like what he has done. Look at how he has done it. And again remember he was facing reelection. I can't emphasize this enough. What freedoms will he take from you in his next term? GET OFF YOUR BUTTS! Campaign for Romney. Talk to your friends. Put bumper stickers and signs up. Send him donations even $5.00 will help. Any of these things will help. But Do not just sit on your bums watching the news saying "I hope Obama does not get a second term." Do something, anything to help.

     Sorry to those of you who support Ron Paul. I know that there is evidence of voter fraud. I have read the stories and seen the evidence. (a subject for another blog) He should have won in places where he didn't but it is over. Now it is the time once again for you to decide if you can take another 4yrs. 4yrs that are bound to be far worse than the first 4. Or if it is time to fire Obama. If a good 3rd party arises that has a chance to win, he/she may even get my vote. But unless the unthinkable happens it will be either Obama or Romney in office.

     If you voted for Obama. If you did not vote. Or (I sorry to say because I have been tempted) if you in protest voted for a third party who had no chance of winning in 2008. This is your fault!  Please don't make the same mistake. I am very forgiving, but please say no to 4 more years. 


  1. I voted third party last election, and I'd do it again. The purpose of democracy is to vote for what you as an individual thinks is the best option for our country. Even if it's a long shot for a third party candidate to win the White House, if I think they're the best person for the job, I'll vote for them. Given the lackluster candidates this election, I'll probably be voting third party once again.

    1. I understand what you are saying. I myself have been tempted. In fact if Ron Paul ended up on the ballet I think he is good and has a chance. He would get my vote. However, most out there thinking of making a bid have no chance and are no better than these two. In fact in some cases just plain wacos. If you find someone that you think is better, as mentioned in my blog, let me know. I will look into them and if he/she is better I would vote with you. They must have a chance however. I won't throw away a vote on Micky Mouse just to make a statement to myself. Ask yourself, without looking it up.... who was the third party candidate last time around? If you can answer that than you had reason to vote for them. If you can not, than you were probably just throwing a protest vote, maybe even voting for someone worse than Obama or McCain. We are stuck and it is not good, with two candidates. Until enough people get up and change this it will be that way, Republican or Democrat. You can do something about this you and the people you know are the future of this country. Most people are getting fed up with the Republican and Democrat parties, but no one does anything about it. No real third choice is given. It is like a mom offering a choice "I have a lolly pop and I have a jaw breaker. Which do you want." There is no other choice. There can be one or the other. But the child instead says "No Mommy I want a candy bar." "Sorry" Mom says,"There are only these two choices. It will do you no good to ask for another." The child does not give up and looks all over the house until in the freezer just waiting to be found she is a candy bar. Until we find or begin an alternative it is Democrat or Republican and neither party is what it used to be. Both are corrupt. I for one am ready for a change and will stand up with you if you find someone. I won't however throw away a protest vote and watch someone I am scared of be voted back into office to strip even more of my rights away. More important I worry of the world that will be left to my children and grandchildren. Romney is not a great choice. But, he is better than Obama in his first term and you really have to wonder what will a second term without an election to worry about. In the end you so far have the right to vote for anyone you wish. I support this with everything I have. I only offer opinions here to think about. Thanks very much for your comment. Encourage others to read the blogs and comments. I we get enough conversation going from this blog... who knows maybe someone will come up with a great candidate. :-)
