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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Stop illegal aliens

I heard an analogy like this once but can't quote it so you get my version.

     You come home one night and find a family in your home. You ask them what they are doing in your home. "Your home is bigger than the one we have. It has a nicer TV and you have the new game system we have been wanting." You reply "Well you can't stay here. We don't know you.  We let people stay here quite often when we have gotten to know them and they have asked for permission. But we certainly did not invite you. You must leave now." They reply "No thank you very much we like it here in your home we will not leave."

     You call the feds they tell you they have better things to do and suggest you call the local police. You call the local police and they tell you there is nothing they can do. It is the feds job and the feds will sue them if they try.

     You decide you have had enough for the day and you must make the best of things. You head into your bedroom to go to bed and find there are already people sleeping in your bed. Frustrated you go to your refrigerator to get something to eat. There you find nothing but a note stating you need to provide your "guests" with more food. That you think is the "last straw" you go to your neighbor's house. You briefly explain the situation. He seems understanding and willing to help. "OK" he says "How will I know if they belong there or not?" "Well" you begin, "My family is Caucasian, so anyone that looks Chinese check their ID." Your neighbor gives you a shocked look that puzzles you, but states he will be back with friends. Finally you think help is on the way.

     You go back to your house. Deciding that there is no longer room there for you since more "guests" keep arriving all the time, you pause to collect and read your mail while waiting for your neighbor and friends. In your mail box you find you are being billed for your "guests" medical bills. "I can't even afford to pay my own bills!" you yell aloud.

     Your cell phone vibrates in your pocket you remove it and look at the screen it is your employer. You answer it and are told you are being layed off since another employer has underbid them for the next job since they can do it cheaper using labor living in your home.

     About to give it all up you turn to see you neighbor in the distance with many friends heading your way. "Yes!" you think to yourself, "finally help is here." Until they get closer, only then do you realize they are carrying protest signs accusing you of racial profiling and others just stating "LET THEM STAY". At that very moment a fed shows up demanding he move in and monitor the way you are treating your "guests". "That is it," you sigh "I have to pay their bills, I can't pay mine. I will have to move on."

     As you are about to leave your house for the last time you decide to ask them a question. "If I am paying your bills and you now are getting the money I used to get for working, what are you doing with it all?" They look at you with big smiles on their faces and one of them replies "Well, we are sending the money home of course to help improve the home there, so when your home has fallen we can move back."

    You hatch a plan in that quick thinking brain of yours. You decide you will move into their home. You arrive at their home and move in the same way they moved into yours...................... To your dismay you find the laws in their home are much different and you quickly find yourself in prison spit on and being called a filthy American.

Sorry friend in this case love is a one way street.

Note: This little story is meant as an introduction to my stand on illegal aliens (NO! I will not call them undocumented immigrants!) I will have more (much more) to say on this subject in days to come.

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