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Friday, June 29, 2012


     In the time leading up to the 2008 elections I saw through him. He always spoke in generals. He would not give details. He got elected on one liners. Anytime politics came up, I stated I was scared of him because we knew nothing about him nor would he tell us. I did not like that the alternative was McCain, but at least I really knew where he stood. I knew that I had less to fear. He got my vote. When Obama won the election, I said "well at least we should not have to worry much about his first term since he will want to be reelected. It will be the second term we really need to worry about." Boy, was I wrong. We have a president that is out of control. The scary thing is he has done all these things in his first term, facing re-election.

      Fast and Furious is an example. Not only is he responsible but now he blocks attempts to investigate. Democrats want you to believe it started under Bush. The program started under Bush but he stopped it due to problems. Obama restarted it. This program is Obama's not Bushes.

      If things stay the way they are today Obama stands to hold the record in raising taxes. At the same time he will have put us in dept even further (he holds the record already). He lied bribed and threatened to get the Obama Care shoved down our throats. He bypassed all proper channels and ignored the majority to get illegals legal. He fights and sues any state that tries to help him with boarder security.  He ignored the majority to force same sex marriage on us. And if you think the battle over the Catholics providing birth control is about women's rights, you are as stupid as he wants you to be. It is about religious freedom and separation of church and state.  Where will he push that one in a second term, not facing reelection?

     He has over and over again been caught in lies by democrat, republicans independents and every other political party existing today. It is not just the republicans recognizing the lies. Democrats especially have to love his lies about not starting new battles. Doing the exact same things they criticized Bush for.

     This is just a short summary or the things that have happened in less than 4yrs, add to it. I want you thinking "Mike should have said this" "He did not mention that". I want you thinking. I keep these short to keep you the reader from getting bored. But I also keep them short to get your brain going. Feel free to comment. I would love that. Agree or disagree it matters not to me. I will respond. Now while you begin to think on these things....DO SOMETHING! It appears at this time that it is Romney vs. Obama. We can not have Obama. I am scared of his second term and you should be too. Even if you like what he has done. Look at how he has done it. And again remember he was facing reelection. I can't emphasize this enough. What freedoms will he take from you in his next term? GET OFF YOUR BUTTS! Campaign for Romney. Talk to your friends. Put bumper stickers and signs up. Send him donations even $5.00 will help. Any of these things will help. But Do not just sit on your bums watching the news saying "I hope Obama does not get a second term." Do something, anything to help.

     Sorry to those of you who support Ron Paul. I know that there is evidence of voter fraud. I have read the stories and seen the evidence. (a subject for another blog) He should have won in places where he didn't but it is over. Now it is the time once again for you to decide if you can take another 4yrs. 4yrs that are bound to be far worse than the first 4. Or if it is time to fire Obama. If a good 3rd party arises that has a chance to win, he/she may even get my vote. But unless the unthinkable happens it will be either Obama or Romney in office.

     If you voted for Obama. If you did not vote. Or (I sorry to say because I have been tempted) if you in protest voted for a third party who had no chance of winning in 2008. This is your fault!  Please don't make the same mistake. I am very forgiving, but please say no to 4 more years. 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Drones Coming Near You... or your home?

     Look up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's Superman! No, no, no, it's a drone. Sounds like something from a Sci-fi movie? It is happening.

     You've heard about them being used in the pursuit of terrorists. That probably did not bother you much (other than the 5yr old girl and other innocents  killed). I am all for saving our own in war using unmanned weapons.

     You've probably heard of them being used to help secure our boarders. Helping in the battle with the drug cartel, smugglers and illegal aliens. That probably did not bother you much. It didn't bother me.

     Now, what if you heard they were coming to the cities and farmlands? They are! They will be used to spy. They will be used for crowd control. OOOOh watch out occupy movements, Tea Party members. Churches do you think you are safe? Religion quite often gets in the way of what the government wants. Maybe your church will become the next Waco. Only in this case a drone will fly right through the main door of your peace loving, God fearing church, up the aisle and into the pulpit and BOOM! We will hear what the government tells the news media. You were some kind of nut that was abusing your flock and was going to kill them all in a suicide mission to wipe out the state officials. So they did it for you. In the process they will tell us, saving many more from dying. Someone like me will be interviewed on the news. People will hear me say "Yes, I knew him. Such a nice guy. I can't believe he would have done those things." One of the congregation that just happened to be fishing that day will be interviewed saying "That is a lie! Our church was a peace loving, God fearing church." 99.9% of the population would just shrug their shoulders and think "but the government says...."   Ooooops sorry topic for another time.

     Back to the drones. They already come in all sizes ranging from small aircraft to the size of a bird. There is a report that they now have devolped one the size of a mosquito. They are being sought after by drug inforcement, police, swat teams, fire departments, just to name a few. Some more "innocent" types can be bought by you. Come to think of it, I own one. Well not a drone but a remote control car with camera attached. How many of you already own a flying model. Sure you only want to fly it and look back down on yourself from way up high. But what can it be used for in the wrong hands?  Like the out of control current government? And with weapons attatched?

     I always hear people talking about how the government is coming up with new ways to spy on individuals. My thoughts are always the same. "They have better things to do than spy on someone as boring as me." But this is different. Many of these will have weapons attached. How many times have you heard of the wrong address being raided? How many times have you heard of the term "friendly fire"? I am sure you have already heard of these drones losing power or control and crashing in the battlefield. No big deal right? I mean it is a battle area. Fine how about one losing control now and crashing into your home? How many do we want flying over our own airspace.

     Still have not caused you to blink and eye? Ok how about this future headline?


          Jane Doe and her children ages 2 and 5 were killed yesterday when an error occured in the face recognition software aboard the Z-2608 model drone flying in their neighborhood early yesterday afternoon. The armed drone was searching for an armed and dangerous male suspect for the shooting deaths of two police officers earlier in the day...........................

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Must read! UFO's Might get you if you don't!

     Please stand by. As my brain allowed me, I have been all over the net. I have gathered more imformation than I knew was out there. Some of my views have changed. My eyes have been opened to new things. And of course if my health would have allowed it' I would have been rolling on the floor laughing at what some believe (mean, I know, sorry). I, in my head have written several more blogs. But then I got hooked on youtube.

     Did you know that while you are watching a video there are several off to the side that are similar to what you are currently viewing? You can click on them to watch later. I was addicted. I clicked, clicked, clicked and clicked some more. Ok! I was a video junkie! I admit it! I could not stop. I often said to myself, "Self! Don't even look to the side. You already have over 100 videos lined up to watch". But, I could not help it. It had me it controled me. I could not think of anything else. It was going to be the end for me. One day I would be found dead at the computer watching a video about a ufo coming from the inside of the hollow moon with the predetermined election results. I had to quit this habit no matter what. I leaned over grabbed my cane and stood up from the computer. "Wow" I thought "There really is life outside of youtube".

     So, I am confessing to all of you I am a youtubeaholic. But with your support I can kick this thing. Read my blogs. Like my blogs. Share my blogs. Let me know there is a use for me outside of youtube :-)
(How do you like how I turned that into a commercial, LOL)

     More blogs to come, I promise.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Lesser of Two Evils.... Again!

     Looks like this will be another one of those elections. Where is the alternative to these two. I don't mean some unknown that may get a hundred or so unnoticed votes. I mean where is a good candidate that can hold a candle to these two and actually beat them.

     It is sad to either vote for the one that will do the least amount of damage to this country or just throw your vote away by voting for someone who has no chance of winning or worse yet  not vote at all.

     Where is our sleeping giant? Will someone please wake him/her up. Get them campaigning. Get Obama and Romney shaking in their boots. It is time to have all people in this country represented. It is time to end this so called class warfare. It is time to once and for all end this Republican VS Democrat mindset. If your reading and thinking to yourself  "Well, so and so is going to run. He/She would have a chance"  Give me the name I will check him/her out. If I think they would make a good candidate, I will write them myself. I will tell them to get off the couch and get busy, before everyone has made up their minds as to which of these two they will vote for.

     Third party just a spoiler? In these times I think not. Republicans are no longer what they were. Democrats are no longer what they were. Both seem afraid to share the other's ideas. They may be labeled as traitors to their parties. There is a middle ground and there are ideas this country needs that both parties are afraid to touch. I think I have it right when I say a growing number of voters are becoming fed up with nothing being accomplished because of the feud between two parties.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Uuum What Just Happened

     Well there you have it dreams do come true. Welcome to the thousands of young people that can now begin working here legally. It is great to have those of you that love this country and want to live here legally. I support you and do hope that now it will be one of your goals to become true citizens of the USA. I pray that it will become a goal of yours also to assist your parents in becoming citizens. I have always said that if you were here legally I would welcome you and I truly do. I understand that in a lot of cases you were brought in by parents or others and really had no choice and this is the country you have grown to know and love. In many cases you have fought for this country risked your lives. Theses are the ones I welcome. You worked hard for this moment. Some of the tactics that were used by some of you I did not agree with. Some of the hate talk that I read while researching your thoughts and struggles saddened me. I truly believe that most of you were not a part of the negative approaches but worked hard in good ways to achieve a dream. Something worked and now you should be proud.

     Having said this and truly meaning it I now have a few words for our dictator. Shame on you Obama! Even good things should be done the right way. Whether we agree with enacted policies or not there are ways set in place to do things. Election year shenanigans is not the way. The Dream Act has support on both sides of the aisle and I have no doubt will be passed in the future offering permanent answers for these young people. Right now in order to grandstand and try to make yourself look like the only one that cares, and what appears to be an action taken to undermine our court system, you have offered them only a temporary fix. Even most of those that are happy to get what you have given are smart enough to recognize the underhanded way in which you acted. You will gain some votes in the areas that you hoped, but you have also lost votes by those worried about what you will sign next. I like the opportunity given to these young people. I am not sure I agree with the age of 30, but than again I am also not sure where I would have drawn the line. But I very much disagree with your tactics and yes I am one worried about what is next if you should win reelection.

     Lastly, I would like to address those of you that have reservations about so many suddenly here to work legally with so much unemployment already hitting us, and other problems this could cause.  First I have listened to many of these young people and many are very good and will contribute to our great country. Many are very bright individuals and are already in place to contribute greatly. They have a desire to contribute to the country they know and love but have not been given the chance. Some as stated above have even risked their lives for this country. Join me in congratulating them in being given this chance. Yes, there are going to be some bad apples that slip through the cracks and those that cheat the system (we have them). Those I will continue to not support, those are still illegal aliens. But these young people are now here legally and deserve to be given a chance. We are still the same United States of America citizens that over and over again in our history have benefited greatly by immigrants, we were built on it. We are the same United States of America citizens that have survived when we could not. You don't have to agree with the way this was implemented (I do not) but, this is the way it is. Let,s join forces with them to keep USA great.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Stop Part II

I went on a site created by illegal aliens. I read all 179 comments about the Time cover. I saw a lot of hate on both sides. It saddened me, as I love all and hate none. I want to make it clear that in my little story I even stated with permission there is a welcome. I do not disagree that becoming a USA citizen is a long road. I do not say that there are not those that come here illegally that could be a great asset to USA. I say only that if they want to be here do it right. I for one would be glad to welcome them with open arms. You can't jump on a site and pretty much say you are at war with anyone here legally and expect to be welcome. You can't say you love USA but hate everything about it. You can't bring up things that happened over 200 years ago. This is 2012 and these are the laws now. Yes most of my ancestors were immigrants. They came here legally. I am proud of them as I am proud of each and every one of the ones I hear about becoming USA citizens. I have a problem with breaking the laws we have in place. Some laws I do not agree with but they are the laws and if not followed those that break them should suffer the consequences. As the woman that recently robbed a bank to pay her past due electric bill so her electricity would not be turned off leaving her young children in the dark with no way to cook or keep food from rotting. Now if sent to jail we would be breaking up a family... hmmm using the arguments commonly used by those supporting illegal aliens, shouldn't we let her off the hook. After all she was just trying to get a better life for her family.

Stop illegal aliens

I heard an analogy like this once but can't quote it so you get my version.

     You come home one night and find a family in your home. You ask them what they are doing in your home. "Your home is bigger than the one we have. It has a nicer TV and you have the new game system we have been wanting." You reply "Well you can't stay here. We don't know you.  We let people stay here quite often when we have gotten to know them and they have asked for permission. But we certainly did not invite you. You must leave now." They reply "No thank you very much we like it here in your home we will not leave."

     You call the feds they tell you they have better things to do and suggest you call the local police. You call the local police and they tell you there is nothing they can do. It is the feds job and the feds will sue them if they try.

     You decide you have had enough for the day and you must make the best of things. You head into your bedroom to go to bed and find there are already people sleeping in your bed. Frustrated you go to your refrigerator to get something to eat. There you find nothing but a note stating you need to provide your "guests" with more food. That you think is the "last straw" you go to your neighbor's house. You briefly explain the situation. He seems understanding and willing to help. "OK" he says "How will I know if they belong there or not?" "Well" you begin, "My family is Caucasian, so anyone that looks Chinese check their ID." Your neighbor gives you a shocked look that puzzles you, but states he will be back with friends. Finally you think help is on the way.

     You go back to your house. Deciding that there is no longer room there for you since more "guests" keep arriving all the time, you pause to collect and read your mail while waiting for your neighbor and friends. In your mail box you find you are being billed for your "guests" medical bills. "I can't even afford to pay my own bills!" you yell aloud.

     Your cell phone vibrates in your pocket you remove it and look at the screen it is your employer. You answer it and are told you are being layed off since another employer has underbid them for the next job since they can do it cheaper using labor living in your home.

     About to give it all up you turn to see you neighbor in the distance with many friends heading your way. "Yes!" you think to yourself, "finally help is here." Until they get closer, only then do you realize they are carrying protest signs accusing you of racial profiling and others just stating "LET THEM STAY". At that very moment a fed shows up demanding he move in and monitor the way you are treating your "guests". "That is it," you sigh "I have to pay their bills, I can't pay mine. I will have to move on."

     As you are about to leave your house for the last time you decide to ask them a question. "If I am paying your bills and you now are getting the money I used to get for working, what are you doing with it all?" They look at you with big smiles on their faces and one of them replies "Well, we are sending the money home of course to help improve the home there, so when your home has fallen we can move back."

    You hatch a plan in that quick thinking brain of yours. You decide you will move into their home. You arrive at their home and move in the same way they moved into yours...................... To your dismay you find the laws in their home are much different and you quickly find yourself in prison spit on and being called a filthy American.

Sorry friend in this case love is a one way street.

Note: This little story is meant as an introduction to my stand on illegal aliens (NO! I will not call them undocumented immigrants!) I will have more (much more) to say on this subject in days to come.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Medical Marijuana

Yes! I do support the legal use of marijuana. How can you possibly tell a dying person that it is bad for his/her health and they will just need to suffer until the day they die.  How can you tell a person that suffers on a daily basis that can't find anything else that works to just grin and bear it. Studies have shown that the use of medical marijuana is safer then the use of alot of legal prescribed medications. Most Americans are compassionate and support the use in certain instances, yet we have a federal government that keeps spending money to fight it. No wonder there is not enough money to help people with real health issues that can't afford care. Lets redirect some of our tax dollars.

Before anyone gets me wrong... I do not support legalization of the general use of marijuana. I do not want to see it on the shelves of Walmart. However I must add to this, if marijuana is illegal, why are alcohol drinks and cigarettes still legal? Is it more dangerous to our health or that of others? I think not. Yet here we are debating whether people that would benefit greatly from prescribed marijuana should be allowed to get it.

I am sure I will have much more to say on this subject on a later date. While you are waiting take the meds off your shelf and read the harmful effects it can have on you. Now look up the "harmful effects" of marijuana can have on a person. Then I want you to look a suffering person in the eyes and tell him/her the one thing that can ease the suffering, you would say no.

Just the beginning opinions coming soon

Stay tuned... I have started this blog to state my opinions. Over the years I have devoloped and polished my opinions. I will post them here. Some will be of local, some national and some of world events. Not everyone will agree with my opinions and no one will agree with all of them. I promise to really make some very angry with me. The same ones that get angry with me on one topic will love what I say in the next topic. Please don't stop reading just because you don't agree with me one time.